You Lost that Prospect because You were Slow

Published on:
July 7, 2022
Table of Contents

The Problem

Imagine your prospect found you on Google, read the great reviews about your firm, and was excited to speak with your staff, only to be greeted by voicemail when they tried calling you.

You almost had them, but too bad, your admin was busy...

Do you think this prospect will not try to find another firm and shop around now?

In 2022 there is no excuse for slow responses.

The Goal

Good news, though: with all the tools available now, you can make it instant!

Imagine your prospect getting all the information they need to evaluate your services at a touch of a button.

And your admin sleeping tight, knowing that you won't have any double bookings or prospects sent to voicemail.

And no need to learn to code either.

The Solution

Here are some of your options:

  • Build a simple callback form with JotForm
  • Connect your admin's calendar to Calendly and let prospects choose a time that works best for them, with no back-and-forth
  • Create a chatbot with Intercom and qualify prospects without any human interaction

Put them on your website, and set up an automatic email with all the details about your offer as soon as they submit/book.

You can do this in less than 15 minutes.

Your prospects will thank you.

Infographic source: Regina I Edwards

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